So sensible

Oct 2, 2005

At her daycare recently, Anna learned about her five senses, and so yesterday, as Erin sequestered herself in the law library, I took the girls on a scavenger hunt, so to speak: we tasted a raisin bagel as we saw the fish in the giant tank on the second floor of the Frank Porter Graham Student Union, we heard the drum section of the marching band warming up before the big game with Utah, later smelled the rosemary growing along Franklin Street and then felt the silks and satins and leathers of the vintage clothing store.

Another day, another set of sensory observations: the ginger plant outside is still blooming and delighting me with its smells; I’m back to savoring my weekend mochas (single shot of espresso only, though), this evening at Francesca’s Dessert Cafe as the girls ate gelato with old-fashioned wooden spoons; a man picking on a mandolin along Durham’s 9th Street, singing the ABCs as Anna and Malia looked on with smiles; West Wing now is a Sunday evening showpiece; and the heavenly feel of sleeping Malia’s hand as I gently cradle it, my thumb wrapped in her tiny fingers.

As it happens, the recessional at mass today was “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard.” I’m thankful for my senses. Are you? What wondrous things have you tasted, smelled, heard, seen and felt this week? Your comments, please – click the Storian link below.

Anton Zuiker

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