Blog Together

Applying Social Capital and Usability Theory to Movable Type



Website to promote Movable Type, "a decentralized, web-based personal publishing system designed to ease maintenance of regularly updated news or journal sites, like weblogs."



For writers and webmasters and anyone wanting to manage a weblog.



Easily navigable site using Movable Type software, with Recently Updated sites listed along the right. Site includes user support forums.



The site is easy to use, and the process for obtaining a software download is quick and simple. The installation of this software can be complex, and the many tags that can be used may be confusing, but the instructions and user manual are clear and concise and the user interface is considered excellent.



As discussed elsewhere, Movable Type tools such as comments, TrackBack, notifications facilitate networking.


social networking

The user support forums provide networking among users of Movable Type, and are especially valuable to new users. The Recenty Updated feature is a good use of recognition, as is the gratitude shown to the beta testers, contributors and developers.


social capital

The developers are highly regarded - i.e., they exhibit reputation capital, and they share and honor knowledge capital among the community of users.



knowledge communication includes a blog. The main purpose of this blog is to clearly communicate changes and updates to the Movable Type software, and any relevant information among the MT user community that is useful to the implementation of the software.



smart mobs

Blogging is viral, and is an evolved use of website technology; Movable Type is the tool for community to spring up around blogs.



connectors, mavens
and tipping points

Movable Type creators Ben and Mena Trott are mavens (enthusiastic teachers) in their advocacy of personal publishing. The arrival of Movable Type software might be seen as a tipping point to a proliferation of more powerful blogs (whereas Blogger's arrival was certainly a tipping point to the popularity of blogs).

Applying Theory to Zuiker Chronicles Online



Online family space for news, discussion and photos



Members of the extended Zuiker Family descended from Cornelius Zuiker, but also Zuikers in Holland and Canada, and friends of the family. Created and administered by Anton Zuiker.



Full website built around weblog



Movable Type blog software allows for clean, easy-to-understand content, while other features (search, bulletin board, etc.) chosen for ease of use. Informal survey shows users find the site easy to use.



Tools for communication and sociability included, but little used; comments system used somewhat, while forum never used. Personal e-mail among family still default online communication method.


Lin social networking

Site design, functions and tools allow for networking and, if more widely used, could lead to better social networking.


social capital

The popularity of family contributions such as Frank photo feature, family tree and history lessons show social capital at work.



knowledge communication

Anton as author is a creator of knowledge capital through blog.



smart mobs

Let them come - the site's been built for some time!



connectors, mavens
and tipping points

Anton as author a potential connector ("knows a lot of people") or maven ("enthusiastic teacher and student"), but not without improved off-line communication with more of the family.

continue to Conclusions