Captive no more

May 11, 2013

Cleveland was in the news this week, with the dramatic discovery that three young women had been held in captivity for nearly 10 years. Here in our home in North Carolina, we’ve talked about that around our dinner table, reinforcing messages of safety and trust and how to respond in moments of danger.

We’ve also talked about punishment. On the radio, we heard that Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty is considering the death penalty for the perpetrator of these crimes.

I was thinking about McGinty recently. Back in 2000, I helped him edit an article that he submitted to a law journal. I used the money from that to buy a computer (made by Pony Computer, where I was working at the time on the PlanetKnowHow startup). I wrote the first few years of this blog on that computer, and I rebuilt it a few times with updated software, new hard drives and even a new motherboard and chipset. But it’s been sitting in a box in the closet for quite a while now, so I took out the hard drive and prepared it for donation. The box has been bumping around in the back of the van, and this week I’ll drop it off to to the United Way of the Greater Triangle.

Anton Zuiker

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