Bora interviews me about my career, thoughts about blogging

Jan 24, 2013

Two weeks ago, I posted my interview with Bora Zivkovic.

Yesterday, Bora reciprocated with ScienceOnline – crossing a river with Anton Zuiker, in which I shared many of the formative moments in my life and career, with links back to posts here on The Coconut Wireless.

One of those moments was this one:

My dad regularly took me and my brothers into Chicago to visit the Museum of Science and Industry and to see the Blackhawks and White Sox and Cubs (he taught me how to keep the box score, and always have hope), and his stories about being a hard-working vendor — ‘Beer, here!’ — were often more interesting than the games we’d come to see.

Just now, I was rooting through the closet where I keep boxes and boxes of magazines, papers, photos and other stuff from my life. In one folder, along with my Zuiker Chronicles: Anton Edition that I produced and sent during college and my time in Hawaii, was a three-page recollection by dad about how he broke into vending. Great find! Soon as I get his permission, I’ll post it to Zuiker Chronicles Online.

Anton Zuiker

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