I am 40

Apr 4, 2010

Anton and cake on his 40th birthday

My birthday vacation is coming to a close — there were spring break doctor and dentist appointments for the girls, followed by visits to Maple View Dairy country store for ice cream cones in the afternoon, then the #storiesformistersugar tweetup that was a pleasant evening in which friends old and new joined me for drinks and dessert, and today my father returned to Honolulu, leaving the warm afternoon for a bike ride to Weaver Street Market and some gardening around the house (I planted the white ginger rhizome that my friend Rose gave me for my birthday).

I am 40 now, and embarked on my decade of narrative. Thank you to my family, friends, community and online connections for all the threads you’ve given me. I hope the stories I weave in the coming years will be interesting and meaningful.

Anton Zuiker

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