TTHT on water

Nov 11, 2007

Well, darn, if my blog drought isn’t metaphor enough for this water drought in North Carolina (and throughout the Southeast). My apologies to those of you who responded to the call for entries for The Tar Heel Tavern.

Here’s what rained my way:

In anticipation of his move to Raleigh, Michael Manfre wrote about his inflatable sailboat and his brother’s landscapting business suffering from a lack of business.

Rachel Pollack tells how she’s brought water conservation efforts to the costume facility of the PlayMakers Repertory Company.

Michele Le Doeuff stopped using cloth diapers on her baby, and hears ugly rumors at the playground.

Pictures tell the story — Valerie posts photos of a drying Lake Jordan.

Lenore Ramm rants about water used to green our grass.

He’s running for mayor of Greensboro, so Billy the Blogging Poet tells us how he’ll make the city conserve water.

Olive Ridley looks into the fact that the oceans aren’t absorbing CO2 at the rate expected, and how that’s contributing to climate change.

More pictures from Steve Sbraccia and an argument for conservation efforts that go beyond what the governor has requested.

At New Raleigh, a picture of water a wasting sparks discussions in the comments.

I’m sure there have been other blog posts about the drought — and since there’s no end in sight, this is a topic we should keep writing about.

Who wants to host the next edition of TTHT?

Anton Zuiker

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