ConvergeSouth third time around

Oct 19, 2007

I’m back in Greensboro for the ConvergeSouth conference for the third year in a row, and ready for two full days of great presentations, discussions and introductions to interesting, talented people.

Sue is welcoming us, and just announced she’s already got foundation pledges to fund ConvergeSouth next year, and that event will be held in conjunction with a BlogHer roadshow.

Ben Hwang short introduction of Jason Calacanis, and now Jason and Ed Cone up front for a conversation.

[notes from Calacanis/Cone to come]

Now, Will Bunch and Dan Conover talking about journalists taking to blogging, and how newspapers move to online.

Ruby Sinreich and Chris Rabb for a panel titled “We agree to disagree.”

Anton Zuiker

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