May 19, 2007
I was supposed to join the science writers book club for a hike up Occoneechee Mountain, led by book club member Mary-Russell Roberson. She’s coauthor of the excellent new book, Exploring the Geology of the Carolinas.
Instead of enjoying a hike with friends (Anna and Malia were excited for the excursion, too), I spent the morning at Wasp Automotive, where the super-nice Pete Richardson checked to see why the Sienna check-engine light was on and why the transmission was slipping. Low transmission fluid was the answer to the latter problem, but no apparent reason for the warning light. Wasp has a nice waiting room, kid-friendly and with two Internet-connected iMacs, as well as free wifi, and friends rave about the auto repair there. With two Toyotas, we’ll make it our garage.
While we waited on the car, I took the girls across Hwy 55 to Brigs Restaurant for pancakes. Back at Wasp, one of the iMacs had a local blog on screen; Bullsh@t looks to be an irreverent if caring look at my city, Durham.
Anton Zuiker ☄
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