Bric-a-brac in the Courtyard of Chapel Hill

Apr 23, 2007

A beautiful Spring day in Chapel Hill, and after visiting my bank to deposit a check from the New York Times Company (I recently provided a small bit of consulting on a future web resource for, I walked up Franklin Street to pay a visit, natch, to 3CUPS, where manager Badi Bradley finally had a satisfied smile on his face as he looked out onto the courtyard, which just last week emerged from too many months of reconstruction. Where before there was a sidewalk and a nice patch of green grass, there’s now a European-style brick yard centered with a fountain that overflows into a short stream. Tables and umbrellas and a few trees are coming soon, says Badi (the building managers are responsible for the courtyard renovation, although 3CUPS bore the brunt of the daily questions from customers).

Sitting on the 3CUPS patio with a pot of tea and a Weaver Street Market cinnamon roll, reading The Interpreter by John Colapinto in the 4/16/07 New Yorker, listening to the murmurs of a baby being breastfed at a nearby table, being lulled by the trickle of the fountain … this is what makes for a glorious start to the week.

UPDATE: Read about Paul’s love of tea.

Anton Zuiker

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