Deep voice

Mar 18, 2007

I made a deal with Erin today: I get the morning to hang out at a cafe to read and write, and she gets the afternoon to finish her big health law in Tanzania paper.

So here I am at That Coffee Place in Chapel Hill, where I’ve been reading The Shark God and writing notes to a designer who will be devising a new look for this site, and having just taken off my headphones (listening to Carl Kasell on Wait Wait), I recognize another public radio voice to my right: Bob Edwards. I’d heard him come in earlier and declare to the woman at the counter, “Something black and something strong,” and I heard him on the radio this morning, as WUNC has recently added his show to the Sunday morning lineup.

“Let’s hit the road,” Edwards says to the two guys with him, and he’s out of here before I can greet him to tell him how much I’ve enjoyed his radio reporting and interviewing over the years.

Anton Zuiker

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