Let them find you

Oct 25, 2006

A post by visionary Dave Winer asking for a new search tool to keep tabs on old flames comes just a day after my junior prom date surprised the hell out of me by IMing me. Amy—great to chat with you after all these years.

By the way, if Dave heads over this way, I hope he’ll consider linking to the North Carolina Science Blogging Conference site. Dave was a wonderful presence at the Triangle Bloggers Conference I organized in February 2005, and he was an inspiration for our BlogTogether umbrella group.

Back to old girlfriends. Last week at my blog talk, I told my regular story about how I once spent a couple of years searching for an old friend, who finally found me through my blog. We had a great IM chat, and my immediate impulse was to write a blog entry about this reunion. I held off, luckily, to learn the next day in a followup chat that there was a good reason this person was below the Google radar.

So now I let my old friends find me, hoping they’ll google themselves and find their names here on mistersugar.com. Here’s an example.

Anton Zuiker

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