Networking for my mother

Mar 19, 2006

My mother, Cheryl Zuiker, has relocated to the Triangle, and she’s looking for a full-time job. She’s doing all the usual things to find work—poring through the online job boards, listing her name with Tar Heel Temps, and saying her prayers—but I thought I’d help her by asking my network of friends, colleagues and acquaintances to join the search.

Will you please let us know if your organization or company has an open position suitable for her? If you’re a reader of my blog), you know she’s taught me many valuable lessons. I know that I’m not the only person she’s molded into an inquisitive, active and passionate learner.

Some key facts about Cheryl:

  • 25 years in education as teacher (primary and secondary levels), principal, trainer of student-teachers (university level), and ESL instructor.
  • Master’s degree in community services administration, with a focus in adult education.
  • Excellent communication and computer skills.
  • Has also worked in a law office, hotels and a community home for mentally disabled adults.
  • Has an ability to adapt to new work environments and earn the confidence of supervisors and boards of trustees.

Here’s how my mother describes herself:

“I want to assist people in moving forward in their lives, to help them use their skills and find new skills. I want to connect people with resources.”

Any suggestions for where she should look, to whom she should speak and with what she can prepare herself? Mom can be reached at cheryl AT zuiker DOT com.

Thanks much—if I can reciprocate for you or a family member, don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s demonstrate the power of networking.

Anton Zuiker

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