Jan 10, 2005
My brothers and uncles tackled the thorny subject of the tsunami and the divine last week. Big media gets around to it this week: God and the Tsunami on NPR’s Morning Edition, and Where Was God? by William Safire in the NYTimes.
1 The headline refers to one of the first movies I ever saw, Oh, God!. George Burns as God is asked if he’d made any mistakes, and he fesses up to a too-large pit for the avocado. I thought that was funny. But the question of whether God caused the devastating tsunami isn’t funny, because if you think God did have a hand in the tsunami, I’d say that’s one colossal mistake.
UPDATE: Maybe there is an intelligent and divine design to the earthquake and tsunami: read the NYTimes on Deadly and Yet Necessary, Quakes Renew the Planet.
Anton Zuiker ☄
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