The big time

Mar 14, 2004

Somehow, a perfect storm is about to hit me. In the next week, my three main projects for this academic year come to a head: the Weblogs and Journalism seminar begins tomorrow, the final event in the Narratives of HIV series is next Monday, and all this week I’m writing my thesis article and still interviewing people to fill in the holes in my story about HIV in North Carolina. Plus, Erin goes back to work this week, it’s my turn to be the parent-teacher at Anna’s preschool tomorrow morning, I’ve been invited to a genome forum dinner at Duke on Wednesday, before that dinner I’m going to the annual AIDS update community meeting in Durham, Friday through Sunday in Durham is a gathering of 300 students and administrators from North Carolina’s historically black colleges and universities to talk about the outbreak of HIV among black college men. Oh, and I’ve got a wedding to plan, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it. I’m swamped.

Anton Zuiker

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