Coming up for air

Oct 2, 2003

I’m drowning in work and studies and interviews and freelance assignments and Anna time and Erin talk … but here’s a tidbit from today: Erin and I attended a conference about the legal and ethical implications of genomics. Very interesting. We saw Lori Andrews there. Lori is the prolific author of legal and popular books about the legal issues of cloning and reproductive tecnnologies; Erin interned with Lori in 2002. And we started the morning with a chat with Francis Collins, the head of the National Human Genome Research Institute, just me and Erin and my advisor, Tom Linden, and a fellow grad student, Paige West. I’d asked Collins to meet with a few journalism students before the conference, and he agreed. Was an interesting chat with a top scientist.

Back to grading papers. Deep breath … [dive]

Anton Zuiker

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