Moon, fires & Congo

May 16, 2003

I was looking forward to the lunar eclipse that happened last night, but clouds rolled in during the day here in North Carolina and there was nothing for me to see at night. So, I had to think back to the two most memorable lunar sights I’ve witnessed: as a kid in Idaho, I joined my family one night to watch as a full moon turned blood red (a sign of end times, thought some, but luckily no); 10 years later, I said goodbye to Erin at Chicago’s Midway airport as she returned to college and I prepared to move to Hawaii, and as I walked out to the car on this stormy night, the clouds parted to give me a clear glimpse of a large, yellowish full moon, which I naturally took to be a good sign that I’d see Erin again.

Nick called tonight, in the truck with the rest of the Payson Hotshots as they drove to a fire in southern Arizona. Nick got the word that his team of wild-fire fighters was being mobilized just 10 minutes before Dad, Dot and Grandma Zuiker pulled into Payson to pay him a visit and buy him dinner. Sounds as if the visit was cut short and dinner didn’t happen. I’ve asked both Dad and Nick to post an audioblog (see the example below) so we can hear there reports directly.

One of the books I’ve added to my summer reading list is Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. I stopped into one of Carrboro’s used book stores and found a copy for 54 cents.

Anton Zuiker

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