refugees tonight

Dec 6, 2002

Erin and I and little Anna are refugees tonight, forced from our home by the winter ice storm that dropped tree limbs behind our apartment building – one large tree crashed into the side of our building, jolting us awake – and knocked out power for a million customers. We slept in the apartment last night, underneath every blanket we have and in front of the fire. But with Anna going stir crazy and no easy way to make a warm dinner (I did use my campstove to boil water and the pie irons to make a toasted turkey and cheese sandwich in the coals of the fireplace) or take a hot shower, we drove here to Charlotte after my statistics final exam to stay in Tim and Dawn Shaughnessy’s warm home. We’re not sure when we can return. When we do go back, we’ll have a few more final exams and papers to complete. Only then will this very difficult semester be finished. And only then will I get much-needed perspective for making some changes to my study habits and personal communication skills. (More on that in a few days.)

Anton Zuiker

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