
Jun 4, 2002

I read a great essay in today’s Chicago Sun-Times about viruses, immunizations and computer virus software. From that article I learned of a website with information about immunizations; go to www.immunizationinfo.org. That site also has good recommendations for evaluating health information you might find on the web. Immunizations are a hot topic with me at the moment, because I have to prove to UNC that I’ve had my complete regimen of shots through the years. The problem is, I’ve lost my records, and I don’t know who might have information about my childhood doctor visits. As for Anna’s records, I’ve got to be more thorough. Can anyone think of a good way to save and store medical records for the future? In a way, this is the topic of my next Inventing the Future column for Northern Ohio Live; I’ll post my genetic genealogy column on July 1 to www.zuiker.com/anton/.

Anton Zuiker

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