Listenings Back in 1995, I

Dec 2, 2001

Listenings Back in 1995, I went with my friend Joe Cimperman to see and hear Natalie Merchant in concert in the Cleveland Public Hall, a cramped and old auditorium that simply wasn’t conducive to dancing or frivolity. Natalie was splendid, but she voiced her frustration that her Cleveland audience was so placid in our seats. In summer 2000, Erin and I had the chance to see Natalie in an outdoor amphitheater that was a better place to dance, and dance we did. Now, Natalie has a new album, titled Motherland, and she’s on the airwaves promoting it, and I’m grooving to it. You can catch a bit of it from her long NPR interview, or visit Natalie’s official site

Anton Zuiker

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