Nancy Swift, a longtime friend

Aug 30, 2001

Nancy Swift, a longtime friend of the Zuiker Family, made a donation to the Peace Corps a while back in memory of Frank the Beachcomber. The Peace Corps sent the money to Micronesia, where Peace Corps Volunteer Lee Allison used the funds to buy a computer and carpeting for a new library at Malem Elementary School on the island of Kosrae. Grandpa would be proud to know that there’s a computer being used by a new generation of writers. Grandpa visited the Dominican Republic with my father, to see the school that Dad helped build for his small crossroads village. When he got back to familiar Chicago, Frank the Islandhopper wrote an article for the Chicago Tribune Magazine. Later, he and Dad wrote a novel about my father’s villag experience. For the last three years, Dad and I have been talking about writing the non-fiction version, a story about the similiarities and differences of his PC service and mine: he was single, serving at a time of war, on a tropical island with big spiders, while I was married, serving at a time of peace and dotcom prosperity, on a tropical island with big spiders.

Anton Zuiker

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