Aug 22, 2001
Just as on Paama, when I’d wait anxiously for the plane to land on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the truck to wind its way from the airport at Tavie Village, and then for the Malampa Province Council offices to open after the 11:30-1:30 lunch break, to be able to amble a hundred yards down the field to check if the mail bag included any letters or packages or magazines from home, I find myself eagerly awaiting the arrival of the mail carrier to our apartment complex here in Carrboro. Magazines have been trickling in, though in the last two days I received the New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly and National Geographic Adventure. Letters and cards are coming, too. And, of course, bills. Our maxim on Paama was that mail came in only when mail went out; in other words, we had to send letters in order to receive letters. So I’ll try to write more. I have been better at responding to each and every e-mail message I receive. If you want to write to me, and get a letter back, send a letter to me at 601 Jones Ferry Rd., Apt N-11, Carrboro, NC 27510 or an e-mail message to I can hear the plane now …
[edit: current contact information is available on the Contact tab.]
Anton Zuiker ☄
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